Java Frequently Asked Questions

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This page contains answers to common questions handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions.



How to Set the path for java program to work properly ?

          Method 1 :

1. Open the autoexec.bat file in the c:/directory. (which is a hidden file.)

2. edit the following, if your java directory is this.

    for example.,
            classpath= .;c:\progra~1\java\jdk15~1.0_1\lib

3. save and close the autoexec.bat file.

4. Restart the computer, now the path is ready for the java program to be executed by the machine from any directory of your choice.

Method 2 :

1. If you are using Windows XP, then goto control panel

2. click system ---> Advanced ---->Environment Variables

3. use variables for username ----> new

4. variable name---> path

5. variable value ---> c:\progra~1\java\jdk15~1.0_1\bin

6. repeat steps 3 to 5 for classpath also.

7. press ok and ok to close everything.

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What is an application in java ?

An application is a simple stand-alone program run from command mode interpretation using the command "Java" followed by the compiled class file name with or without arguments supplied separated by spaces.

Usually applications exist at server side for manipulation and other tasks. Because they can talk to database, write files, read files without any security restrictions.

ie., for example,  c:\java test arg1 arg2 arg3

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What is an applet?

applet are simple java GUI programs which run with the help of browsers with certain restriction on security in mind.

Usually, applets exist at client side for presentation. 

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What is a frame ?

Frame are used developing applications which contains menus, submenus etc.

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What is a dialog?

Dialog presents user interface windows to get user input like yes or no or okay or to inform to the user that finished.

Types of Dialog:

1. modal  dialog  -  user must enter the input value  for further process otherwise it won't allow you to go back to its parent window or frame or applet.) 

2. Non-modal dialog - Used just for information. You can skip this dialog window to go its parent window without answering to it.

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What is an Instance in software terminology?

A single client can create multiple instance. A client can open a single application called say for example, a notepad application in two or three windows. Therefore it means that he has created two or three instances of notepad.

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What is a session in software terminology?

To sustain the state of operation done by the client in between various client operations. For example, ordering for a product in online is a best example. He orders for multiple products by choosing one by one. All these products will be remembered and stored in a session variable which is an array.

He may recall all that products he ordered earlier in order to modify,delete,add any further products whenever he wishes as long as he is online and before payment procedures are over.

Once the payment is done the session for that part will be closed or deleted. Anyway the user's session will exist until he logs out.

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What is Application, Program and Software?

An application is developed by programming either by a man or machine using a software called say for example Visual Basic, C, C++, Java. Finally it is compiled to convert them into zeros and ones which can be understood only by the computer by using its own compiler language.

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What do you mean by multithreading?

Execution of multiple activities at a time independent of each other either one within another or individually.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

java faq

java frequently asked questions

1 comment:

  1. If you cannot read clearly and properly, just copy it and paste into your own notepad/wordpad.
